Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Green on the Inside

Today I am amazed and inspired by the abundance of little gifts that surround me. Many days I am 'too busy', or in 'too much of a hurry' to stop and notice these little pleasures. When, in truth, there is no rush at all, and there is plenty of time. It is up to me to be present and receive this world's beauty by simply OPENING MY EYES....

...This is a lesson in gratitude.

I love.....

..the pavement blurring beneath my tires on my journey into the city each morning

...................long, deep shadows to hide in during the magic hours of the day

..warm hugs while the night's dreams wash away with the morning light

...................soft hair after getting out of the shower

..questions, answers & telling a story. Listening.

..........the night's silence ability to create whatever I choose

....noodles, veggies, and that smile

.......being true to myself.

......................My perfectly functioning body

..the day's colors, love's reflection on our faces. The wind in our hair.

......sunlight warming my skin.

.................pure, refreshing, crystal clear water

.....daydreaming about upcoming success. Trusting my greatness.

..praying for rain

..............your voice.

This life is such a blessing. It seems so easy for me to forget that sometimes.....let this list serve as a reminder of my commitment to HERE and NOW.

God bless you today.

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