Friday, May 16, 2008

2 Wheels vs. 4 Wheels

I recently began riding my bicycle to work, normally at least 3-4 days a week and I have found it to be very rewarding. If we were to look at the Pros and Cons of bicycling vs. driving to work, what would we find? That is the same question I have been asking myself, and one I hope to answer by writing this article.

Ok, so let's start with cars. Pros: Generally, unless you own a complete beater, a car is a comfortable, cushy ride. You have the option of being entertained along the way by your radio or CDs (or even DVDs these days). Most cars have at least two seats, so you can bring friends or coworkers along for company. Let's face it: cars are fun to drive, too. Depending on traffic, you can usually move quicker than any person running or biking. Cars are also pretty safe; you are surrounded by metal and are restrained by a seat belt (if you are smart enough to use it) and air bags to protect you in case of an accident.

Now, how about the Cons: Cost. Purchasing, maintaining, insuring, parking, and fueling a car is generally not a cheap endeavor. If you were to sit down and calculate all of the costs of your car, you may or may not be surprised to discover that your car costs as much or more than your housing. It's also quite obvious now that by driving more we are not helping the environment. So, each time we get behind the wheel, we are essentially making a silent statement. This statement reflects an attitude that is either in denial of, or oblivious to the detrimental effects that we are having on the environment. Of course, we still have the choice to drive more fuel efficient vehicles, which is a conscious and responsible choice, but I am always asking myself, what more can I do to make a difference?

This brings me to why I began riding my bike into work. Pros: I get consistent, good exercise twice a day(my office is about 3.5 miles away). I am saving tremendously on gas - I only fill up twice a month now which brings my monthly fuel costs below $100. Time - I am actually starting to get to work FASTER than if I was driving my car. I don't have to wait in long traffic lines - I go straight to the front. Fun - it is so much more fun to spend my commute being aware to what is going on around me, rather than being disconnected and cut off from my surroundings in a cold metal box on wheels.

Of course, there are Cons as well: Generally, it takes me longer to get anywhere, though I feel that slowing down and enjoying the trip is more rewarding rather than always being in a hurry. The uphill climb home is usually pretty brutal, though it gets easier every day. Safety - it's more of a risk to be on a bike, especially in a sea of cars, you really gotta pay attention to what is going on. Helmet hair - somewhat annoying, though I think it's coming back into style, so I'm ahead of the game there!

I realize that my personal situation differs from others, however what I'd like you to ask yourself is: What can I cut back on to help make a difference? Maybe it's riding your bike, maybe it's boycotting bottled water or plastic shopping bags. This attitude and awareness coupled with action is at the core of the Green Philosophy. This is what we promote and believe in, and we will continue to do what we can to make the world a better place. I hope you choose to make the same commitment!


Tess Golden-Orr said...

Congratulations, Noah, on your first post to The Green Philosophy! You are a bicycling inspiration to me.
I have two corrections to your post:
Your commute is actually 3.5 miles, one-way. It is also through thick urban traffic, this makes you extra cool.
Also, you said you now fill your tank twice a week. I know you meant to say twice a MONTH. Even better savings!

A few other pros of bicycling to work are:
free & front row parking,
and waving at the other cyclists on their way to work.

There is one more con:
helmet hair! this is a totally workable con. You can carry your hair-fixings with you or stash them at work, or bring that disheveled helmet hair into an urban eco style!

Unknown said...

Great article! It really flowed well and brought up some great points. I love your attitude toward responsible living. I hope it infects many people who read this, and who interact with you.

Love, Dad