Thursday, January 21, 2010

Google out of China

Just as this topic arose, my geography teacher has incorporated it into an assignment.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rise in Pacific Ocean's pH

A 15 year study has confirmed the rise in pH of the Pacific Ocean. This is not a good sign. Though maybe this study will lead to opportunities for us to help our Earth rather than take advantage of it.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The inherited lung structure of alligators and birds.

This BBC article written by BBC News science reporter Doreen Walton explains the new research on the lung structure of alligators and birds. Evolution and survival of the fittest. This report says that air flow in bird and alligator lungs is one-way and allows them to breathe in low oxygen environments. This breathing system has been passed down from their ancestors, the dinosaurs. I'd like to see a diagram of this lungs system.

This is right in time with the beginning of my first biology lecture and lab. I am attracting science based stories, last night Noah surprised me with the movie "Darwin." Charles Darwin was the beginning of evolution.